Why Pastured Pork?
Happy pigs taste better.
At Redbud Ridge Farm, we raise our pastured pork the old-fashioned way: with lots of room to root, roam, and relax in the woods, fields, and ponds of our property. Combined with the fact that we never give our pigs any antibiotics, vaccines, hormones, or steroids, we believe that you really can taste the difference.
There is simply no contest in taste and quality between a happy pasture-raised pig versus a factory-raised pig that never knew dirt and sunshine, much less human kindness and decency.
One of our core beliefs here on the farm is that one major part of the collective human purpose is to cultivate, nurture, and steward nature. We "tend and keep" in this way by working with nature and its various ecosystems, and by honoring the "pig-ness of pigs" and the "chicken-ness of chickens" (read Joel Salatin's The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs for more on this). When we bless the creation, it blesses us.
The concept of "dominion" was never intended a license to exploit and abuse for maximum profit. By embracing a mentality and ethic of cultivating stewardship, we are doing our little part to practice redemptive agriculture.
Our feeder and breeder pigs roam over a combined 16 acres of woods, fields, and ponds, and we plan to expand our fence borders to utilize even more of our property in the near future.